Innovation day




Hi, For innovation day this year we did an electricity project for science. For my project  Eliya and I did foosball. This was my favorite innovation project I have done so far. The part I was most excited about was definitely being able to do hands-on work and actually make an electricity game. It was really fun. But the part I was most nervous about was that our project was not actually going to work because Eliya and I have never used electric circuits before but luckily we ended up figuring it out and it actually turned out really good. One thing that really surprised me while doing this project was probably that using the circuits was a lot easier than I thought it would be. It was still hard but definitely easier than I thought. There were definitely parts where we could improve but the main part I think we could do better is our buzzer because somehow the buzzer would go off at random times which was definitely very annoying. For innovation day we had to present our project to our parents. I was kind of nervous about that part because I was nervous they would not like it. But the parents we presented in front of liked our project so that was good. For our foosball Eliya and I got second place for our grade we were very happy.  Here is a video of our electricity project.

What I learned during this project was how to work circuits and how to make games. It was fun to learn all about the circuits and how to make games. This was very fun to learn all about electricity and this project was also very fun. 

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